Knowledge Support Empowerment
Yes, there is strength in numbers and this is especially true in our organization. We are professionals, parents, consumers, and advocates. Our goal is to create an accessible system of services and resources which supports personal choice and promotes lives of dignity and self-determination.
Membership Information

AAIDD is the definitive membership organization and the authoritative source of information for those in the intellectual disability profession. Our membership is over 5,000 professionals strong, in over 55 countries around the world. Joining AAIDD lets you tap into a network of top professionals who can help you find a job, show you the ropes, and deepen your involvement in your profession.
AAIDD Texas Chapter News
The January, 2025 edition of The Forum, AAIDD Texas Chapter's quarterly newsletter is available online now! Click on the link below to access this edition and if you are not currently receiving the newsletter, be sure to hit the "Join Our Mailing List" link when you're there.
In the News