Membership Information
AAIDD/AAIDDTX Membership Renewal Schedule:
The Association operates on a calendar year beginning January 1 and ending December 31. The annual membership cycle corresponds with that cycle.
The dues billing cycle for sending membership renewal notices is as follows:
It is important to note that the Association will accept membership dues at any time during the year, but the official ìdues billing cycle covers a 180-day period from September 1st through February 28th, thus giving a great deal of flexibility. Furthermore, in recognition of the need to support member recruitment activities, new member dues are prorated on a quarterly basis.
Agency Sponsorship
Benefits of Agency Sponsorship:
1. The CEO of the agency, or their designee, would receive full individual active membership;
2. A 25 percent reduction in dues for additional members of the agency;
3. Every individual joining as member of a sponsoring agency receives all membership privileges, which are defined by their individual membership category;
4. Every member of a sponsoring agency receives News & Notes; a set of journals and Frontline Initiatives would be sent to the agency for every five AAIDD/AAIDDTX memberships.
5. Sponsoring agencies would be able to exhibit and receive one free registration at national conferences for $500.00;
6. Sponsoring agencies would be listed in the national convention program and once a year in News and Notes; and
7. Sponsoring agencies who send ten or more individuals to the Annual Meeting or any training institute would receive a 20 percent discount on registration fees.
Note: Please visit the AAIDD web site for current benefits.
The first renewal notice is mailed during the first week of September or approximately 120 days in advance of the expiration date, which is the industry standard.
The second renewal notice is mailed during the first week of December.
Dues are due on the last day of the year. However, no member is dropped from the active membership rolls until February 28 of the following year. This allows ample time to process renewals that are received early in the year.
We do not want to disrupt member services if it can be avoided.
The third renewal notice is mailed the second week of April.
The fourth and final notice is mailed in mid-June.