February, 2022
Convention Report
Toye Babb, AAIDD Texas Chapter President Elect and Convention Committee Chair
Waves of Changes: AAIDD Texas Chapter 46th Annual Convention
During the past couple of years, those involved in the IDD field have faced waves of changes.
We have been faced with developing adaptations in service delivery to those in the IDD population as well as revising interactions with coworkers, parents, advocates, and the community at large. Despite ongoing challenges, we continue to be resilient, to evolve, and to be creative in our efforts to address our daily endeavors. One such adaptation is the AAIDD Texas Chapter 46th Annual Convention…new location, new season! Our fall convention will be held in Galveston November 15 - 18, 2022. The newly renovated and historic Grand Galvez will host our convention in the beachside city known for dining, entertainment, and shopping. Please reserve these dates so you can participate in the convention, earn those coveted continuing education units, and enjoy the view and camaraderie in Galveston.
46th AAIDD Texas Chapter Convention Committee
Toye Babb
AAIDD Texas Chapter President-Elect and Convention Committee Chair
Margo Childs
The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD
Connie Cisneros
Tropical Texas Behavioral Health
Pat Craig, Ph.D.
Sherri Gilliard
The Mentor Network
Kevin Kern
Center for Pursuit
Charlotte Kimmel, Ph.D.
Independent Practice
GeRon McGlory
Spindletop Center
Rachel Medina
LiveOak Living Community
Cheryl Petty
Integral Care
Ollie, Seay, Ph.D.
Texas State University
Lisa Simmons
Dion White
Center for Life Resources
Ken Winston
Integral Care