June, 2020
Convention Report
Cheryl Petty
AAIDD Texas Chapter Convention Committee Chair
After much deliberation the AAIDD Texas Chapter Board of Directors have decided to reschedule the 45th AAIDD Texas Chapter Convention originally scheduled for July 28-31, 2020 in Corpus Christi, Texas. Our first priority is the health and safety of our members, supporters, vendors and volunteers. As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, it has become clear that in the face of this unprecedented situation, we needed to make this tough choice.
We are excited to announce that we were able to schedule next year’s convention for the week of July 27 - 30, 2021. Same city, same hotel, so mark your calendars. We are also excited to say that our keynote speakers and presenters will remain the same for next year!
The coronavirus has turned our world upside down. Our lives are uncertain, we feel scared, nothing is “normal” and it is “normal” to feel this way. Give yourself permission to have off days without feeling guilty. Plan activities that have a positive effect and that motivate you! Take care of yourself, your family and friends and we will see you next year in Corpus!
45th AAIDD Texas Chapter Convention Committee
Cheryl Petty
AAIDD Texas Chapter President-Elect and Convention Committee Chair
Integral Care
Charlotte Kimmel, Ph.D.
Program, Awards/Nominations
Margo Childs
Silent Auction
The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD
Connie Cisneros
Local Arrangements, Silent Auction
Tropical Texas Behavioral Health
Pat Craig, Ph.D.
Chair, Consumer Stipends, Awards/Nominations
Ashley Cupples (John Harper)
Silent Auction, Consumer Stipends
Lawrence Davis
Integral Care
Rachel Medina
Silent Auction
LiveOak Living Community
Toye Babb
Spindletop Center
Kevin Kern
Center for Pursuit
Ollie, Seay, Ph.D.
Texas State University
Brooke Shelby
D&S Community Services brooke.shelby@dscommunity.com
Lisa Shelby
Consumer Stipends
Integral Care
Dion White
Chair, Exhibitors/Sponsors
Center for Life Resources