October, 2022
HCS Transition Plans for Day Habilitation
By Dion White, Secretary, AAIDD Texas Chapter
As we enter a new legislative session in January there will be bills filed that if passed will have an effect on our system of care. Change is inevitable and within the past few years the speed of change has greatly accelerated. One change which could be impactful for many individuals deals with the day habilitation component of the Home and Community Based program in Texas. There is a transition happening now in HCS programs in which day habilitation will be transferred to a new service called individualized skills and socialization. In order to be a provider for these new services a program must obtain a DAHS license. Once. A program has obtained a license it can be renewed every 3 years. The proposed rates have been released but have not been approved as final. A few of the objectives of the new ISS program include but are not limited to;
Acquire, retain, or improve socialization and networking.
Independently use community resources.
Participate in the community outside the place of residence.
The date of full compliance has been established as March 1, 2023. Due to the change needed to provide components necessary to be considered for licensure providers are recommended to begin implementation starting September 1, 2022.
It is highly recommended that providers who will be impacted by this transition read the Transition of Day Habilitation Services report by HHS by clicking on this link.